16th March 2018
Welcome back, Green Lantern John Stewart fans. There is finally worthwhile news to report about our favorite ringslinger. Yesterday, Bleeding Cool broke the story that DC Comics’ flagship title Justice League will be relaunched and written by Scott Snyder of Batman fame. Jim Cheung and Jorge Jimenez will be providing art, and a pencil cover was shown (you can see it in this article’s header image), which showcases John, Hawkgirl, and Martian Manhunter as League members.
This is very exciting news! We’ve had to slog through two years of Geoff Johns’ Rebirth initiative and John Stewart playing an abysmal role in Robert Venditti’s terrible Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps comic book, but I think things will start looking up for the character. Hopefully DC raises John’s profile in preparation for the Green Lantern Corps film that is said to be coming out in 2020, which John is supposed to play a large role in.
Check out the video below for my full thoughts on the matter:
Be sure to hit the like button, subscribe button, and share the video with others you think may be interested. Follow me on Twitter for more updates!
GreenLantern.Co will keep you up to date with news as it develops.
My own comic series Zatswan: Multiversal Guardian is still going strong. If African-American cosmic heroes with great roles in amazing adventures is your thing (and I assume it is, if you like John Stewart), then Zatswan is right up your alley. Check the series out by clicking the image above, or this link HERE. Don’t forget to support my endeavors on Patreon and share Zatswan with others you think may be interested.

27th January 2018
Welcome back to GreenLantern.Co. Here is an update reporting on news involving the Cyborg character. DC Comics has un-cancelled the Cyborg comic series and has gotten Cyborg’s creator, Marv Wolfman, to continue it. Find out my thoughts on this development by clicking the video below:
Be sure to hit the like button, subscribe button, and share the video with others you think may be interested. Follow me on Twitter for more updates!

26th January 2018
John Ridley’s The Other History of the DC Universe – I am Not Interested
Welcome back, Green Lantern John Stewart fans! In this video, I discuss why I am not at all interested in the upcoming comic book miniseries from John Ridley called The Other History of the DC Universe, which seeks to tell personal stories about DC Comics characters from marginalized groups. Take a listen below:
Don’t forget to like the video, share it with others, and subscribe to my channel. Thanks for all of your support!
The cosmic comic series Zatswan has reached an exciting turning point as it delves more into the antagonists. Don’t miss what is happening. Check out Zatswan: Multiversal Guardian by clicking the link HERE. or the image above.

19th January 2018
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps and Green Lanterns’ Comic Book Sales are in the Toilet
Welcome back, Green Lantern John Stewart fans! Here’s a new Green Lantern-centric video for you to sink your teeth in. This time, I talk about how poor the Green Lantern titles are doing in sales. Click the video below to check it out:
There is more content on the way very soon. Don’t miss it!
Zatswan: Multiversal Guardian continues with more mind blowing cosmic action! A.C. Cooper is everything John Stewart can never be – an African American cosmic hero who is upfront, not standing behind anyone, and is the main character. Check out Zatswan by clicking the link HERE. or the image above.

18th December 2017
Star Wars: The Last Jedi Review/Discussion – The WORST Mainline Star Wars Movie
Hey there, Green Lantern John Stewart fans. I’m back with another video. This time we’re talking the recently released film Star Wars: The Last Jedi. We get into an in-depth discussion about why we feel it is the worst mainline Star Wars film yet! Click the video below to check out the video:
Like the video, subscribe to the channel, and please share it with others you may feel would be interested! Doing those things would help the channel out a lot and they will only take a few seconds. Also, feel free to leave comments and tell us what you think of the video and also your own thoughts on the movie.
Be sure to check out my own comic series Zatswan: Multiversal Guardian by clicking the image above or this link right HERE. It stars A.C. Cooper, an idyllic African American cosmic hero who actually gets to be the hero and do things heroes do. No tokenism. No wallpaper. No background stuff. If that sounds appealing to you, read the comic at the link above and share it with others!