Green Lantern #27 Review
on January 10, 2014
Green Lantern #27 is out and .co is back with another review. Robert Venditti continues to be the scourge of many a Hal Jordan fan, but let’s see how things look from the perspective of a particular John Stewart aficionado.
“We still can’t quite tell where Venditti is headed, but there’s a definite deconstruction of Hal Jordan going on. While several Hal Jordan fans are taking offense to this, I find it makes for rather interesting stories.”
Later this month, Green Lantern Corps #27 and Green Lantern Corps Annual #2 will be released. Be sure to pick those up and visit for a nice rundown of what new adventures Green Lantern John Stewart will find himself in!

Hey, guess what? John Stewart will be featured in a new DC Comics weekly series called Futures End. The series is written by Brian Azzarello, Keith Giffen, Jeff Lemire, and Dan Jurgens, and will jump five years into the future of the new 52 universe. It seems John Stewart and other high profile heroes have been possessed by OMACs and are evil cyborgs. Here is some concept art from Ryan Sook:

It’s very cool that DC is using John Stewart more. You can view more art and discover more about this series in this interview page from CBR, right here.
In other news, the lettered preview for Green Lantern Corps #27, due out this coming Wednesday, has been released, and it looks awesome. Great dialogue and character work from Van Jensen, as usual.

Take a look at the pages right here.
We’ll stay on the lookout for more GL John Stewart news for you, so be sure to check back. It seems quite a bit is happening with the character lately.
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