21st May 2014
Green Lantern Corps #31 Review
GreenLantern.Co has a review of Green Lantern Corps #31, part 2 of the “Uprising” crossover, which came out last week. I know I’m a bit late on this one, but bear with me. I have been extremely busy with assignments lately!
“Van Jensen borrows elements from Bruce Timm’s approach to the character, presenting him as a seasoned Lantern with a vast knowledge of the universe. In Justice League, John Stewart would sometimes relate experiences he had on some distant world, which would have some meaning to the situation at hand. An example of this is seen in the episode “Maid of Honor,” in which John Stewart already had knowledge of the type of secret weapon Vandal Savage had –a rail gun- because he had seen the same thing before while out in space. What I appreciate so much is that Van Jensen realizes all the subtleties of the John Stewart character. Previous writers were more like, “Okay, I see he’s serious, Black, and a Marine. Gotcha!” Van Jensen knows there is way more to the character than that, and he showcases it brilliantly.”
Keep stopping by GreenLantern.Co for more news, reviews, and commentary on Green Lantern John Stewart. You ought to know by now that there’s always more on the way.

The solicitations for August 2014 have been released, and we’re treated to another great Green Lantern Corps cover for issue #34, this time by artist Trevor McCarthy, who depicts an excellent image of Green Lantern John Stewart freaking out in the rain.

Written by VAN JENSEN
DC UNIVERSE SELFIE variant cover
On sale AUGUST 13 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • RATED T
Retailers: This issue will ship with two covers. Please see the order form for more information.
After last issue’s shocking revelation John Stewart’s world is turned upside down! Is it too late for him to find the truth, or has he started down a dark path he can never return from?
I’m led to believe that whatever happens at the end of “Uprising” won’t be all that great for John Stewart. Perhaps it will spell the end of his relationship with Yrra Cynril? If that’s the case then I’ve got two words for ya’…
I hope you’re listening, DC. Shippers have been waiting forever for you to acknowledge that relationship in your mainline continuity. Shayera Thal Hawkgirl’s obviously not doing anything better!
Something for you to think about…
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