22nd April 2015
Green Lantern: The Lost Army #2 Solicitation
DC Comics has released the solicits for their July 2015 comics and merchandise, and among them is Green Lantern: The Lost Army #2. We’re shown the first worthwhile piece of artwork from this series and I am quite pleased by artist Jesus Saiz’s efforts. Take a look at the cover and sales pitch below.

Written by CULLEN BUNN
Art and cover by JESUS SAIZ
1:25 Variant cover by BEN OLIVER
On sale JULY 15 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • RATED T
Retailers: This issue will arrive in stores with two covers. Please see the order form for details.
John Stewart and a small group of Green Lanterns find themselves lost and far from home! Now, they’re going to have to team up with one of their greatest enemies to find a way back where they belong.
The only thing that disappoints me is the way the emerald aura looks around the Lanterns. It’s just a dinky green outline. This may seem like a weird thing to complain about, but in a Green Lantern comic, I think it’s a really important visual feature, and after having Marcelo Maiolo on Green Lantern Corps, who displayed the emerald energy better than anyone, what’s seen here is just weak.
I’m very happy that John and the Corps did not get redesigns like how many of DC’s heroes have, though I would have liked it if the artists used this opportunity to return John’s black gloves. I’m hoping his eyes are green instead of brown.
A point of interest is the female recruit whose face is conveniently blocked out by Arisia’s lovely hips and John’s elbow, and who also has Katma Tui’s skin tone. Could it be that long lost Lantern? Writer Cullen Bunn has said in previous interviews that we will see a character we haven’t seen in green in a while, and we’ve only seen Katma as a Black Lantern in recent history. We’ll see. Be sure to pick this issue up on July 15.

Comixology.Com is running a “Convergence Sale,” which includes one of John Stewart’s greatest comic book runs by writers Len Wein and Steve Englehart, and artists Dave Gibbons and Joe Staton. These 1980s comics are what took John Stewart from being a supporting character to a full fledged leading man. If you don’t have these issues, I recommend using this opportunity to pick them up, as they are definite must reads for any John Stewart fan.
Convergence Week 3 Sale!
If you would like to learn more about this particular run, head over to GreenLantern.Co’s Essential Reading and Viewing article Green Lantern Volume 2 #182-200 + DC Retroactive: Green Lantern – the ’80s.
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