
Green Lantern: Starlit Crisis #2 is Available for Free

on September 15, 2016

I’ve got good news, John Stewart fans. Green Lantern: Starlit Crisis #2 is out, and totally free. I decided to do things differently, and instead of waiting until the issue is completely finished before releasing it, I will update the site with each new page that is done. This will get you the content much quicker. As of now, there are seventeen pages of issue #2 complete. Three pages will be added soon to finish the issue.

What is happening in the wild world of John Stewart, Arisia Rrab, and Ch’p this time?

The series acclaimed as vastly superior to DC Comics continues! John Stewart and Arisia Rrab’s quest to find missing Lantern Ch’p takes them to the seedy underbelly of Space Sector 1014 – the Shadow Market! Are they ready for the perils within, and the surprising twists their adventure throws at them? Meanwhile, a New Genesis army under the command of Shadowfall engages Grayven’s forces in a critical battle that will rock the Multiverse.

Read Green Lantern: Starlit Crisis #2

Enjoy! If you would like to see more content like this do not forget to support the series on Patreon by clicking the button below, and leave feedback in the comments section of this site. I always like to hear from you all about what you think of this series!

You can keep up with updates for Starlit Crisis (they will be coming quick) by signing up for the GreenLantern.Co newsletter and following me on Twitter!

Follow @deshderringer

  • Steve Rogers

    You really have good writing talent, Desh. Love the comic!

    Btw, do you or anyone else think there’s a chance that John Stewart will appear in Orlando’s JLA? Vixen, Atom II, Ray, Killer Frost has been announced. The roster looks very diverse.

    • Desh Derringer

      Thank you!

      No, I personally don’t believe John will show up in that. It seems to be for CW related characters. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a Firestorm or someone like that show up, though. Or perhaps a Hawkgirl or Hawkman.

      • Steve Rogers

        I noticed that, too. I would rather have him in the JLA than the current book that he’s in.

        • Desh Derringer

          I really don’t care what DC does anymore. I’ve realized that the comic book company just frustrates me the great majority of the time, and that’s really not what I’m looking for in entertainment, so I’ve turned my back on them entirely. I’m not necessarily saying that DC is terrible, but what I’ve realized is that their comics just aren’t for me. For they don’t appeal to my tastes or sensibilities.

          • Steve Rogers

            I know what you mean, Desh. I actually stopped purchasing their comics, products, and action figures from DC. It’s not really just because of their treatment with John Stewart, but I personally don’t like some of the creators there and me any friends had bad experiences with some DC creators in the past at conventions. And I can tell you that they’re very close minded people.

          • Desh Derringer

            Sorry to hear about your bad experience. I’m planning on posting an article soon where I get my current feelings about DC Comics, Green Lantern, and John Stewart out there, as well as some things I’m planning for the near future. I’ll comment pretty thoroughly on those subjects when that is out.

          • Steve Rogers

            I’m looking forward to it! Protection Status